Sunday Best: OOTD

Hey loves! It's that time again! I haven't been blogging as much these days because I've been busy, but I am working on doing better. I saw this white dress at Ann Taylor and fell in love with it and had to get it. It helped that it was on sale and I had an Ann Taylor rewards card, so it was so worth it. I am really liking the all white look and in the past I stayed away from wearing white bottoms or white dresses, because society tells us that only skinny people can wear all white. Well I'm here to say that is a lie! Anyway let me get off my soapbox for a moment and share with you the outfit of the day.

Yes I was really one the phone LOL.
Dress: Ann Taylor Here ,belt: Here , purse: Claudia Firenze, shoes: Target

I hope you enjoyed my blog post! I'm getting ready to go to the beach today lol I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
